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Welcome to the Ōhanga Pai Community

Ōhanga Pai means “good economics” or “economic well-being” in Te Reo Māori and yes, that means my focus is on the New Zealand economy. However, most of the software and educational material on this site is generally applicable to any country that has a currency issuing (not “currency using”) government.

The posts on this site give a blog journal style introduction to MMT (the Modern Money framework of analysis). My current focus is on macroeconomic simulations, mostly quick & dirty RAD with Python, but I will discuss a bit of social justice theory as well. If you want to get started, read the Questions and Answers articles first. If you want to instead dip into a bit of empirical work try the Empirical section.

Sorry for no software yet. Not much mathematics. All of that in good time I hope. At some time I will stop writing the blog, it’s a short-run thing to let off steam. I plan to retire properly (only be doing mathematics) at some stage in life, and that’ll be when the blog becomes unimportant. I should still work on the empirical.

This is not just a software documentation project. It is a theory and philosophy project, so mostly educational.

You may use the theme buttons at the bottom of the pages to choose colors for your viewing pleasure.

For Ko-fi donations I am Achrononmaster @ Ko-fi.

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