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Macromodels IV --- IS-LM, part-3

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I will try to use ‘ISLM’ for the general idea of ISLM modelling, I will use lowercase ‘islm’ for our particular python model, which I’ve also named OpenEconomyISLMModel().

ISLM Scenario Testing

Basically we want to know for what the model can predict, how good is it? An AIC score might be nice too.

The problem with ISLM is that it is not fit for forecasting. What it portends to accomplish is take an existing set of macroeconomic variables, suppose some of them change in the future, and then output YY and interest rate rr are predicted for a new equilibrium.

When you think about this from a dynamical system perspective the model is really just entirely unworkable. It is the dumbest most clunky thing you could do. No systems engineer would even think of using a moving static equilibrium to analyse a dynamical system. It would not be a model that is even “on the table”.

But as the soldiers we are, fighting incompetence (including our own) we might want to persist just to show how ISLM does not work.

Methodology for Testing the Model

We aim to compare the model’s predictions of output (YeqY_{eq}) and interest rates (reqr_{eq}) with observed real-world data for YY and rr from FRED.

However, we also should have in mind all the other models we also want to test. The other models should also output at least YY maybe also other indicators like inflation, unemployment, and is an MEA and MSE error analysis the only thing to compare?

Addressing Bias

We are using YY and rr as input data to estimate some of the islm parameters, this creates circularity bias (the model assumes what it is pretending to predict). To avoid this bias some things to consider might be,

  • Use Proxy Variables:
    Replace YY with leading indicators such as retail sales, industrial production, or other proxies for GDP.
    Replace rr with instruments like the Federal Funds rate, LIBOR, or policy rates.
  • Validation with Out-of-Sample Data:
    Train the model on data excluding YY and rr.
    Validate predictions using YY and rr from a separate time period.
    (This begs the question what is the “correct” lag?)
  • Counterfactual Simulations:
    Set scenarios where you modify only one input (e.g., increase GTG-T) and observe how well the model matches the directional trends in real-world data.
  • Granger Causality Testing:
    Use statistical methods to determine if the model’s inputs Granger-cause YY and rr.
  • Impulse Response Analysis:
    Assess how shocks to certain inputs (e.g., GTG-T or MM) affect YY and rr over time, compared to real-world responses.

This multi-faceted approach will help validate the islm model’s usefulness in explaining real-world macroeconomic behavior. But I am not sure I have the time and inclination to try all of these approaches.

I think it is worthwhile running two methodologies,

Method-A. Mean square errors on (Y,r)(Y, r).

Method-B. Granger cause: do the inputs Granger cause (Y,r)(Y, r)?

Method-B is good because it is model independent, we do not need the islm model to run a Granger Case test. However we can compare Granger Cause statistics for both the real world (Y,r)(Y, r) and the model output (Yeq,req)(Y_{eq}, r_{eq}). This will not be any test of the islm model directly, but what we want is to compare the Granger causality of the islm model against the granger-causality of the other models we will study later, like Minsky and ISMY.

Methodology A

1. Input Scenarios.
We’ve already used historical data from our FRED fetches to generate islm model inputs saved in islm_series.csv. This includes all the parameters needed by OpenEconomyISLMModel() for each month.

2. Generate Predictions.
For each row in the CSV file:
Use observed values for model parameters as inputs (excluding YY and rr).

Use the islm model to predict $Y$ and $r$.
Repeat for months 1, 2,..., 12 ahead in time.

3. Evaluate Predictions
Calculate prediction errors (e.g., Mean Absolute Error (MAE) or Mean Squared Error (MSE)) for (Yeq,req)(Y_{eq}, r_{eq}) compared to their actual values (Y,r)(Y, r).

4. Estimate the Lag
From year to year the lag to get to the presumed islm equilibrium could vary, there is nothing in the ISLM framework to suggest what the lag is, nor if there is any well-defined concept! (Since the real economy is not ever in equilibrium.) However, we can examine perhaps a decade of data and estimate the optimal lag that gives the best fit for the islm outputs.

We then want to highlight this “best predictor” lag in the visualizations of our analysis.

5. Visualize the Results
We will think of something nice using Plotly.

Last Word

You might notice the inordinate amount of work we had to do to fetch empirical data to get the parameters for our IS and LM curves. But the ISLM model only spits out a static equilibrium analysis, and only gives us two outputs, Income and Interest rate. But (we will see later) we can use plain old econometric forecasts or modern neural networks to better predict output YY changes in response to policy variable changes within reason. Is the ISLM model going to really give us a good estimate for how YY might respond to money supply or investment variables? Let alone changes to public employment and welfare policy? Impossible!

This places into serious question whether there is any use for an ISLM model in informing good policy?

The case seems extremely weak, or weak to completely backwards!

Our conclusion is that ISLM is hazardous to use as a predictive tool. It should not even be taught in schools.

Every ISLM model, or anything like it, should come with an obligatory warning from the Surgeon General:

Caution: This is a bullshit equilibria macroeconomic model, if persistently used in policy it can damage the health of all of society. Possibly leading to extinction of your species.

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